Leif Ostlund – Artist

Leif Ostlund was born in Prince George, British Columbia.

Leif Ostlund

He attended the Ontario College of Art in Toronto where he graduated in 1990 with honors and scholarships. With his combination of classical training accompanied by a lifetime of experience, Leif has grown his career and has been included in more prestigious spaces and collections across North America. Leif believes that his paintings, at their heart, radiate the same positive message about beauty and good living that he has always believed art could convey. His works hang in private and corporate collections throughout Canada, Britain, Europe, South Africa, and as far away as Japan.

If you are interested in having one of Leif Ostlund’s artworks in your collection, contact us now!


Bank of Montreal Royal Canadian Mint
Four Seasons Hotel 
Nesbitt Burns
The Equion Group
Assure Health Incorporated
Gren Weis Architects and Associates
Canacord Capital Corporation
American Appraisal Canada
Pharmacia Upjohn
Asconda Management & Consultants
Cimetriz Solutions Incorporated
Kanett Properties
Van Chem
Kanett Properties

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